Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Few Moments of Bliss


Surely, I am behind on this and that, but the Internets is a big place! Here's an informative interview with SPC ECO, the latest Dean Garcia (of Curve fame) project. His very own daughter does the vocals, which is really cool. Read it all here.

Listening to Bear In Heaven today, as I do paperwork. A couple tracks really do bring out a Cocteau Twins sound. Right now, I have Brock Van Wey wrapping me in some kind of (non sticky) sound cocoon. Find some of his sound for yourself. Ambient listeners-to will be pacified.

I enjoyed the latest Chillcast with Anji Bee earlier today. All her tracks are "pod safe", which is a real accomplishment. Her show is as high quality as it gets, and her tracks are approved by the artists. I should try harder to be more legal, but my show has a broader range of genres.

The art above is a piece by my younger brother. It fits in IE. [Edit: Crap, it DOES NOT fit in IE browser. I need to find out how to scale images to fit in Blogger' column. Apologies! Now you really now this shit is DIY, right? Can I claim that? DIY?)

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